Author: shedbd

Monitoring &Evaluation systems of Organization:

Monitoring &Evaluation systems of Organization:

This is managed by a group of experienced personnel under the guardians of the Executive Director of SHED with the full technical and advisory support from Executive Committee members who have sufficient knowledge and expertise on integrated development and development program management. The ED of the organization is responsible for successful implementation of all the projects and reportable to the general body through Executive committee of the organization as well as the concerned donor(s). The ED having support from Executive Committee of the organization and getting technical and professional support of all the relevant stakeholders/personnel’s facilitate in chalking out compressive supervision and monitoring plan for all of the monitoring, supervision and monitoring engaged for  the different projects in order to ensure timely execution of all planned activities with the help of all implementation level staff members responsible for individual components of the project as well as the all financial matters.

The respective head of unit/head of division develops monitoring checklist for individual projects for all supervisory level personnel to monitor keep things in track as to achieve the set target along with limitations/problems at implementation related mechanism of respective project. All concerned monitoring and supervisory officials have to submit monitoring report against each of the visit to the competent authority monthly basis. Regular coordination and progress review meetings are held with M& E staffs and action plans are reorganized as per the observation and feed beck.  Alongside of the continuous monitoring by the project staffs activities are being monitored by the organizational monitoring team of which the members come from different projects under implementation of the organization. Such provision gives an opportunity to the project for reorganizing activities as to how to avoid any unwanted deviation.

A two way system is followed to monitor the progress of activities during the implementation of the project. All relevant project staff and specialists have to submit periodical work plan and implementation report to the Concerned PC and the ED. The respective project head are being responsible for monitoring of all activities. The ED of the organization also monitors the program and share information time to time with the donor authority.

A system of internal evaluation as in place by the organization besides the midterm and the end evaluation as set in the Project Proposal of the respective project by the donor which is carried out by the organizational internal experts.

SHED used to follow “Hens & Chicks” approaches in supervision of staff’s activities and in day to day activity follow-up. SHED’s believes in ‘in job training’ provide by supervisor as a great means of performance improvement of sub-ordinate staffs. SHED follows both formal & non formal way of monitoring and Evaluation of a program or project. As formal procedures, SHED used to develop program and project based supervision, monitoring and Evaluation guideline. ‘Logical Frame’ is the main approach SHED use for monitoring and Evaluation. SHED used to discuss agenda based progress of SHED’s ongoing programs and project, progress of a specific program and projects as well as performance of a staff  on the basis different level monitoring (EC committee, Executive Director, Program Director, Project Team leader/ Project Coordinators and Program Managers)  in its monthly management staff meeting, project or program’s monthly planning and evaluation meeting as well as quarterly meeting of Executive Committee (EC) of SHED. SHED also emphasises both formal and informal way of feedback dissemination as performance improvement tool. SHED also emphasises ‘interchange learning’ method through engagement of other project’s staffs in internal monitoring of a program or project. Program/Project heads (TL/PC/PM) are obliged to submit written progress reports (activity and output based) to Executive Director within first 2 working days of next month and have to present it in monthly program or project planning & Evaluation meeting, monthly management staff meeting and quarterly meeting. General Secretary as well as Executive Director of SHED is also obliged to call monthly management staffs meeting within 5 working day of next month.

SHED used to follow ‘qualitative output’ methods in internal evaluation of a program or project as well as performance evaluation of staffs. SHED follows annual appraisal methods for performance evaluation of a staff.

Tools of Participatory Rural Appraisal (PRA) are mostly used method for periodical (Weekly, fortnightly and monthly) ‘Monitoring and Evaluation’ of a project or program. For periodical monitoring and Evaluation of a program or project, SHED also uses survey by using project’s LFA based semi-structured questionnaire with 5-20% sample size (Depending on the homogenous or heterogeneous population size) for quarterly monitoring and SHED also uses Threats Reduction Assessment (TRA) in internal evaluation of its Inani PFA Co-management project.

SHED also established ‘weekly feedback based monitoring and evaluation by senior project staffs’ as well as monthly ‘formal monitoring by management staffs’ for proper coordinated implementation proposed project. SHED used to develop ‘Monitoring & Evaluation’ guideline as well as Logical frame before inception of the project.

Ongoing Projects of the Organization:




Name of the Project/Activities





   District     Upozila
01 Livelihood Development of Forest development Communities in and around Chunati Wildlife Sanctuary (LDFC-CWS) Project (Phase 2)  

CoxsBazar and Chittagong


Chakria, Lohagara and Banskhali

02 Inani Protected Forest Area Co-Management Project.

US Govt. through Arannayak Foundation.



03 Improving Maternal and Child Nutrition Program (IMCN)   CoxsBazar    Ukhiya and Teknaf
04 Enhancing Food Security  (EFS) Project   CoxsBazar   Ukhiya and Teknaf
05 Blanket Supplementary Feeding Program (BSFP) Kutupalong   CoxsBazar    Ukhiya
06 Blanket Supplementary Feeding Program (BSFP) Leda   CoxsBazar   Teknaf
07 Enhance Resilience Program   CoxsBazar   Teknaf
08 Community Based Management of Acute Malnutrition    CoxsBazar   Ukhiya and Teknaf
09 Water, Sanitation and  Hygiene (WASH)   CoxsBazar    Ukhiya and Teknaf
10 OptiDiag Project   CoxsBazar   Ukhiya
11 Vulnerable Group Development (VGD) Program funded by Department of Women Affairs (DWA)   CoxsBazar and Chittagong   Teknaf, Chakaria, Lohagara and Banskhali
12 WASH Project  CoxsBazar    Ukhiya and Teknaf
13 Community Engagement in Countering Violent Extremism in CoxsBazar (CEVEC)   CoxsBazar    Ukhiya and Teknaf
14 Nutrition Interventions for under 5 Children and pregnant and Lactating Women (PLW) in CoxsBazar    CoxsBazar    Ukhiya and Teknaf
15 Improving the quality of life for persons with disabilities  and their families in Refugee camps and surrounding Communities   CoxsBazar    Ukhiya and Teknaf

Past Project of the Organization:

Last 5 Year Projects

s/n Name of the project/s Location Amount/Total Budget Source of Fund Period Brief description of the activities
1 Awareness raising on the risk of  unprotected & unsafe sex in combating HIV/AIDS Teknaf  Sader 2070500/= UNICEF 2005 to 2006  ·       Group formation·       Training

·       Provision of Loan

·       Conserve GOB plantation

·       Initiate other IGA Crops for immediate income.

2 Poultry for Nutrition Project (PFN), Teknaf,Ramo,Chakria,Pakua. 1.28.00000/= Ministry of Fisheries & Livestock 2003 to 2005 ·       Identification of families with mal nutrition problem·       Training on chick raising

·       Training of vaccinator

·       Provision of loan

·       Supply of Chick

·       Nutrition education

3 Household Food Security through Nutrition Gardening (HFSNG), Teknaf,Ramo,Chakria,Pakua.. 1.0700000/= Ministry of Agriculture 2003 to 2005  ·       Identification of families with malnutrition problem·       Training on Nursery & homestead gardening

·       Establishment of Nursery & Homestead garden

·       Provision of loan.

4 Water and sanitation Program, Partnership project Teknaf Upazila. 87.00000/= NGO- Forum 1996 till today ·         Public health education and motivation.·         Awareness raising regarding personal and environmental hygiene.

·         Distribution of safe latrine and water.

·         Follow-up of installation latrine ring and tube wells.

·         Follow-up of maintenance and proper use.

Rally and observance of days

5 Cyclone preparedness project Teknaf Upazila 2516500/= CONCERN-Bangladesh 1998 to 2005 ·         Awareness raising on regular basis in organized groups and forums of the organization.·         Training of mid-level and field level staffs and leaders of groups and forums who work directly with the community.

·         Organize workshop, seminar and dissemination meeting periodically.

·         Preparing contingency plan and area profile through using PRA method.

6 Participation of Adolescents in Nutrition Improvement (PANI), Teknaf Upazila 70.00000/= Save the Children Australia : 2004 to 2005 ·         Conduct baseline study to identify existing skills and knowledge for effective emergency response.
7 Preparedness for Effective Emergency Response (PEER) Project Hole Cox’sBazar District CONCERN Worldwide 2008 to 2009  ·         Conduct baseline study to identify existing skills and knowledge for effective emergency response.·         Prepare and annually update emergency contingency plans, with particular focus on the most vulnerable area and groups.

·         Emergency response operation procedure.

·         Organizing training Programme/workshop for disaster response.

·         Periodically collect information on selected indicators of DMC functioning (during normal and emergency periods) prepare and share analyzed reports.

·         Develop and implement advocacy strategy on the issues that are hindrance for effective response.


8 BINP/NNP Teknaf, chakaria, Pekua and  Ramu,  upazila. 2090000000/= World Bank and Bangladesh 1997 to 2008 ·      Food supplement to pregnant & lactating mothers·      Growth monitoring

·       Health Education

·      Vit. A cap given to mothers.

·      Iron Tab. given to mothers.

9 SHED-HIV and STI Prevention Project Teknaf Sadar 5345228/= Family Health International (FHI and USAID 2006 to 2009 ·     Sensitization meeting with local administration female prostitutes commuity leaders and other influential people.·     strength then networking collaboration with other like minded organization and devlopment partners.

·     Organize advocacy with administrative/police/religious leaders/pins etc.

·     Training provide to peer educators on condom and lubricants promotion.

·     Organizational Capacity Building

·     Outrich activities at cruising spots and gathering places of clients

·     councelling, lifeskills and other services.

·     Improve access to STI clinical services

·     Promotion of STI Clinic services and helth care seeking behaviour

·     Provide STI case management for tergated population.

·     Partner management through referrel.

·     Provide effective high quality and anonymous pre and post test counseling

·     Quality assurance and quality control for counselling and testing

·     Promotion of CT services through tergated communication

·     Increase knowledge, skills and access to products for correct and consistents use of condoms in high risk sexual encounters.

Promote knowledge for correct and consistent use of condom.

10 SHED-HIV /AIDS and STI Prevention Project Teknaf Sadar 35,87,000/= CARE Bangladesh 2004 to 2005 ·     Sensitization meeting with local administration female prostitutes commuity leaders and other influential people.·     Sensitization meeting with Home based and Hotel Based sex worker and Transport drivers.

·     strength then networking collaboration with other like minded organization and devlopment partners.

·     Organize advocacy with administrative/police/religious leaders/pins etc.

·     Training provide to peer educators on condom and lubricants promotion.

·     Outrich activities at cruising spots and gathering places of clients

·     councelling, lifeskills and other services.

·     Improve access to STI clinical services

·     Promotion of STI Clinic services and helth care seeking behaviour

·     Provide STI case management for tergated population.

·     Partner management through referrel.

·     Provide effective high quality and anonymous pre and post test counseling

·     Quality assurance and quality control for counselling and testing

·     Promotion of CT services through tergated communication

·     Increase knowledge, skills and access to products for correct and consistents use of condoms in high risk sexual encounters.

Promote knowledge for correct and consistent use of condom.

11 SHOUARDO Program Teknaf and Ukhia Upazila. 3,60,06,760 CARE Bangladesh, USAID, GoB , 2006 to  2010 ·                            Training provide on Comprehensive Homestead Development, Field crops, Fish Culture and capture, Village Nursery Develop & management, Para vat,·   Inputs support for agriculture and fish capture participants, Inputs Support for  village Nursery

·   Inputs Support for Agri. demo. plots

·   CFWscheme connecting road, community field raising, excavation

·   Infra scheme with construction.

·   Installed of deep & shallow tube well for drinking water and irrigation.

·   Awareness program on health, sanitation and hygiene.

·   Food supplement to pregnant and lactating mother.

·   Women empowerment through EKATA

Health Education

12 Disaster Risk Reduction Project Teknaf Upazila 1,69,31000 CONCERN Worldwide 








2006 to  2011  ·                     Capacity development in disaster Risk Reduction for project staff and the organization.·         Capacity development for local disaster management committee at Upazila level.

·         Capacity development for disaster volunteers.

·         Community based disaster preparedness and mitigation measures including early warning systems, local contingency and action plans.

·         Review of existing practices and mitigation measure for tropical cyclones and 1,62,000.

·         Introduction of appropriate mitigation and technologies.

·         Advocacy of community DRR issues at local and national level.

·         Documentation and dissemination of lessons learned at local, national and international level.


Working Approach & Decision Making Process

Working approach

The working approach of organization is most participatory both at office and field level while implementing a project. Every morning senior staffs sits with Executive Director for 15 minutes to share each others program so any to coordinate their work where it is possible or to provide assistance as and when needed. The concerned staffs are given proper orientation about the work to be done with in the time limit and approach and procedures how to work to be accomplished involving the appropriate stakeholders. The staffs are advised not hesitate to inform of any problems by the earliest possible time to the immediate supervisors so as to take necessary corrective measures. On the other hand the respective supervisors provide supporting supervision rather than policing in congenial atmosphere to his subordinate in getting the work done. For not lapse any step of the supervision and monitoring procedure in every tire of staff use a check list of the relevant activities.

It is mentionable the there are always a vice versa cooperation and coordination between inter project staffs both at office and field level. Every tire of staffs has to record the necessary data and to submit periodic project activity report to the authority concerned. Given to the fact that the NGOs are supplementing GOB planed development activities, while implementing the project activities the relevant GOB officials & staffs at all tires are being involved to secure their technical assistance as and when required. On the other hand the other stakeholders like public representatives, local elites and natural leaders are also given proper information and knowledge so as to get necessary assistance  where it is needed and further to avoid any ambiguity about any activities done at field level.

Decision Making Process:

In the organization major decisions are being taken by the Executive Committee and day to day decisions regarding implementation of different projects are taken by management comprises of senior most personnel of the relevant project as well assisted by the experienced senior of other project under the presence/ guidance of Executive Director to make the decision appropriate and participatory.

In case of senior personnel every morning they sit with ED for 15 minutes to share their daily work to do and coordinate each other as and when required for mutual assistance. On the other hand in different tires staff members sit together monthly and as and when required to resolve the problems encountered in the implementation process of the project activities to find out a appropriate corrective measures where every body take part actively.

Board of the Organization:

General Committee (GC)

General committee is consists of not more than 50 and not less than 33 legal members of the organization. This committee has the sole authority to frame policy, prepare program and develop systems for   execution of the work. This committee shall organize two meetings a year. The president of the executive committee shall preside the General committee meeting. The General committee members will elect the officers of the Executive committee. This committee retains the power to monitor different accounts and progress of the projects


Executive Committee (EC)

The executive committee is consists of 11 elected officers of the organization (member of general committee), as per the rules of approved constitution. The duration shall be 2 yeas and are responsible to carry out programs of the organization. However there will be a need for approval of new project by the general committee and Advisory council.  The committee shall organize election two months before the expiration of the tem. Executive committee meets every 3 months where the members review the progress of the projects under implementation, financial report and decides various problems & approves the presented reports. The committee also approves new recruits, and new projects.


List of the EC members

Sl. # Name Designation in EC Contact Address with contact number Profession Total duration with EC in Year
1 Abul Kalam President 01757797927village: Assarbonia,   PO: Subrang, PS: Teknaf, Distric: Cox`s Bazar Business 10 years
2 Nurul Hoque Vice President 01716659389village: Kayukhali para,   PO: Teknaf, PS: Teknaf, Distric: Cox`s Bazar Business 10 years
3 Md. Umra General Secretary 01819323896village: Jaliapara,   PO: Teknaf, PS: Teknaf, Distric: Cox`s Bazar Social worker 20 years
4 Adidul Islam Joint Secretery 01819091246village: Dail para,   PO: Teknaf, PS: Teknaf, Distric: Cox`s Bazar Business 4 years
5 Nazrul Islam Treasurer 01819751218village: Mithapanichara,   PO: Teknaf, PS: Teknaf, Distric: Cox`s Bazar Social worker 14 years
6 Rabwah Begum Executive Member 01819616825village: Kayukhali para,   PO: Teknaf, PS: Teknaf, Distric: Cox`s Bazar Social worker 20 years
7 Md. Jamal Executive Member 01817274909village: Diglarbill,   PO: Subrang, PS: Teknaf, Distric: Cox`s Bazar Business 10 years
8 Zahed Hossain Executive Member 01817268426village: Uttarpara,   PO: Subrang, PS: Teknaf, Distric: Cox`s Bazar Social Worker 4 years
9 Abu Hanif Executive Member 01818130781village: Jaliapara,   PO: Teknaf, PS: Teknaf, Distric: Cox`s Bazar Business 8 years
10 Md. Nurul Anin Executive Member 01740943593village: Mogpara,   PO: Subrang, PS: Teknaf, Distric: Cox`s Bazar Farmer 8 years
11 Tahera Begum Executive Member 01819009845village: Tahera Begum,   PO: Teknaf, PS: Teknaf, Distric: Cox`s Bazar Social worker 4 years

An executive committee (EC), which is constituted by, recognized NGO leaders, academicians, social activators, women activists, community elite and professional govern SHED. The 11- members EC committee elected by General committee for 2 years period guides the policy and program decisions of SHED. Executive Director is the Chief Executive of the organization employed by the EC is also member secretary. HE is supported by a group of well experienced and professional. SHED has its own organizational constitution approved by the department of social welfare of the Government of Bangladesh.

Development Strategies of Organization:

SHED believes that utilizing and mobilizing local resources should of the people, by the people and for the people, supplement the development by external resources ensuring active participation of all classes of people in the society. So, the development and strategic issues of SHED has been confined to the followings.

  • Facilitating and promoting peoples participation in needs assessment, development community planning and control local resource.
  • Promoting and emphasizing local voluntarism for sustainable community developments.
  • Encouraging and developing local leadership through participatory approach.
  • Technology transfer for institution building.
  • Communication support services for keeping community people and community based organizations with latest information related to all stages of development.
  • Supplementing and complementing government development initiatives.
  • Organizational and institutional capacity building.
  • Health and Nutrition promotion.
  • Disaster Preparedness for Effective Emergency Response
  • Training and Human Resource development
  • Ensuring drinking water supply through innovative technologies
  • Livelihood and food security Development


Vision and Mission Statement

The organization Vision:

Oppression frees society that ensures and provides equitable scope and opportunities to all classes of people to meet the bare necessities of life.

The organization mission:

Enhance capacity building of the service providers and community people by providing need based support, technical assistance and oversights in order to effect positive change in the society through utilization and mobilization of local resources and community participation, directing towards a sustainable development where people can enjoy equitable development opportunities and services for leading a minimum standard of life.

Goal and Objectives

The organization goal: Strengthening, supplementing and complementing the effort and initiatives of the GOB in providing and managing high quality sustainable development program, with emphasis to integrated development, health, MCH-FP, poverty alleviation, education and human rights, policy advocacy related services at implementation and policy level.

The organization objectives:

  • Mobilize and organizes the disadvantaged people through information, education, awareness and consciousness raising about their status allowing them participate in various development programs to improve their lot.
  • Provides and organizes need based and planned training/orientation/workshop on a wide range of development for services community leaders and relevant other stakeholders
  • Plays the role of mediating, counseling and educating the donor, government and other relevant stakeholders for bringing positive change in development strategy and policy.
  • Provides technical assistance for capacity building, volunteerism and sustainable development to all stakeholders.
  • Takes initiatives for development of a strong network among different organizations/ network for sharing ideas, experience and views on all sustainable health and development sector for maximum utilization of resources and avoiding duplication of services.
  • Provides assistance to functional and non- functional child education, health, nutrition, sanitation, credit, legal aid, income generation and employment skill development training program for improving the quality of life of the undeserved and deprived section of the population.
  • Promotes and exchanges of information, ideas, views, facilities and expertise between and among development organization, activities and institution.

Details of Organization Constituency:

Initially the organization starts working only in Teknaf upazila where ICDDRB used to operate its research and service activities. In the span of time the organization has came in contact wit various donors and gradually extended its area working diversity as well as geographical location and in the process it could spread its area of work in different other places of the country. It worked in 4 upazila of Cox’s Bazar, 4 upazila of Chittagong district, 2 upazila of Bagherhat district, 5 upazila of Lalmonirhat district, 1 upazila of Nilfamari district and 1 upazila of Narshingdi. The organization duly secured legal permission from NGO Affairs Bureau and Social Well fare Department of the Peoples Republic of Bangladesh to work through out the country with the status of national NGO. Side by side the constitution of the organization has been reorganized by updating to co opt the changes in status of the organization. How ever it is mentionable that considering the completion of some project the organization is currently working only in the district of Cox’s Bazar

Development Growth of the Organization

The organization was established in 1989 through joint initiative of International Centre for Diarrhoeal Disease research, Bangladesh (ICDDR,B) and local elites with the closer of the former in the area of Teknaf. SHED started its operation since 1989 initially only in the ICDDR,B server area with the status of it’s ancestral organization and gradually under take various development programs of various sectors following the objectives set in the constitution of the organization. The time span of the working period of the organization has been described bellow as a segregation of 5 years interval where different projects are described.

Year Details
1989 -1994 ·     Registration with the department of Social welfare

·     Registration with NGO Affairs Bureau

·     Registration with Directorate of Family Planning:

·     Baseline Census and Vital Registration update with ICDDR,B

·     Community Based Health & Population Development Project funded by DFID through Bangladesh Population & Health Consortium (BPHC)

·     Reflect Adult Education Project with  Aid Bangladesh

·     Implemented Relief and Rehabilitation(cash disbursement) during cyclone of 1994 supported  by OXFAM

·     Stared Post Cyclone Rehabilitation Credit Project support with Aid Bangladesh at Teknaf and Moheshkhali Upazila.

1995 – 2000 ·     Established Micro Credit Project office at Nila

·     Extended Micro Credit Project branch office at Moheshkhali

·     MOU singed with NGO Forum for water and sanitation project in Teknaf Upazila.

·     Project stared of People’s Participatory Process for Human and Health Development at Teknaf  supported by  DASCOH-Swiss Red Cross

·     MOU singed and approval by MoH & SW for BNIP-NNP

·     Stared Foreign Literacy  through Empowering Community Techniques supported by Action Aid

·     MOU singed with  PROSHIKA  on Non formal & cultural education and micro Credit program with extended another  Micro Credit Project branch office at Ramu of Cox`sBazar.

·     Received & approval fund with Helen Keller International for two projects likes National Nutrition Surveillance Project and NGO Gardening and Nutrition. Education and Surveillance Project.

·     Received & approval fund for Strengthen GO-NGO Collaboration Project by BPHC.

·     Received fund a partnership program of Food Aided Rehabilitation program for routine maintenance of Coastal Embankment with BWDB financed by FFW.

·     MOU singed and fund received by Ministry of Education for Post literacy and Continuing Education Human Development Project-1.

·     Received fund a partnership program of Cyclone preparedness project by CONCERN Bangladesh

2001 – 2005 ·     MOU singed a sub-sect oral project of  Established Micro Credit Project office at Nila

·     Extended Micro Credit Project branch office at Moheshkhali

·     MOU singed with NGO Forum for water and sanitation project in Teknaf Upazila.

·     Project stared of People’s Participatory Process for Human and Health Development at Teknaf supported by DASCOH-Swiss Red Cross.

·     Fund received and approval fund a partnership project of Coastal greenbelt Project with Department of Coastal Forest.

·     Established 3 drop out center under STD, HIV/AIDS Prevention program, supported by CARE.

·     Awareness rising on the risk unprotected & unsafe sex in combating HIV/AIDS project implemented at Teknaf Powrashava supported by UNICEF.

·     MOU singed with Ministry of Agriculture for Household Food Security through Nutrition Gardening (HFSNG),

·     MOU singed with Ministry of Fisheries & Livestock for Poultry for Nutrition Project (PFN).

·     Participation of Adolescents in Nutrition Improvement (PANI) with Save the Children (Australia)

2006 – to date ·      SHOUHARDO & SHOUHARDOII Program with USAID through CARE Bangladesh

·      Disaster Risk Reduction Project with CONCERN Worldwide.

·      Preparedness for Effective Emergency Response (PEER) Project with CONCERN Worldwide.

·      Inani Protected Forest Area Co-management Project with Arannayk Foundation

·      Post Literacy Continuing Education and Human Development Project-2  supported by Ministry of Education

·      Improving Maternal & Child Nutrition Project with World Food Program (WFP)


It is mentionable that in the course of time the organization has experienced several cyclones in 1991, 1994 and 1997 excluding the minor ones that hampered normal running program activities as well as the infrastructures of the office buildings for which organization normal growth was loosed the usual momentum.

Background and History of the Organization:

SHED was established as the successor of the ICDDR,B Teknaf Station following the closer of the former in September, 1989. Since then as an outcome of the dedication, sincerity, tireless effort and contribution of all associated with SHED irrespective of staff, volunteers, local elite, community people, the organization has flourished and stepped into one of the reputed non-government national organizations in Bangladesh and engaged in transforming the lives of the community people towards positive changes in selected areas of the country.


It may be mentioned here that ICDDR,B had been working in the Teknaf areas since 1973 with interventions giving emphasis to treatment of Diarroeal disease with clinical and field research, water& sanitation, integrated health, MCH-FP. The realization of both ICDDR,B management and local community that such sudden action of withdrawing ICDDR’Bs activities would lead to a major health care gap in the area of Teknaf, Under the prevailing situation and considering the diversity of the local problem, ICDDR,B management, local staff and leaders like Member of the parliament, Upazila Chairman, other local elite and Government officials by arranging several meetings to find out an alternative to bridge the health care gap decided the formation of a non-governmental voluntary organization that could be an effective mechanism to address the issue raised by the local communities and the emergence of SHED was the out put of the said combination effort and collective thoughts.

The emergence and foundation of SHED was rooted on building upon voluntary, active and spontaneous participation of all classes of people, especially of the underprivileged. Ensuring gender balance, social justice, productive and sustainable development band safe gardening the rights of the deprived section of the population by establishing a society congenial for every one that is free from all sorts of exploitation. The mandated goal of the organization is to ensure need based development benefits the target poor, particularly women and children who always are deprived of availing benefit from the existing service providing facilities because of their ignorance and lack of capacity for raising voice against the powerful social system of the well to do people and local vested interest group. It helps people organize themselves and provides them with skill training, information, education and motivation, credit and various support services to enable them to undertake appropriate development action.

The main role and function of SHED are to undertake an intensive participatory sustainable development process through empowerment of the underprivileged by supplementing and complementing the GOB development initiatives through implementing various projects in different part of the country.